The Influence of Learning Facilities and Parenting Patterns on Learning Achievement Through Learning Motivation

Study on State Vocational High School Students as West Korwil Pasuruan District of Indonesia


  • Deni Fitri Indah Wahyuningtyas University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia
  • Syaiful Arifin University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia
  • Rudy Wahyono University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia



Learning Achievement, Learning Facilities, Learning Motivation, Parenting


This study aims to describe learning facilities, parenting styles of parents, learning motivation, and learning achievement, analyze the effect of learning facilities and parenting patterns on learning motivation, analyze the influence of learning facilities and parenting styles on student achievement, analyze the effect of learning motivation on student achievement and analyze the effect of learning facilities and parenting styles on learning achievement through learning motivation. The sample in this study was 90 students. The data was analyzed using SEM-PLS software. The results analysis shows that learning facilities and parenting styles affect the motivation to learn. This shows that students who have adequate learning facilities and are supported by good parenting can increase students learning motivation. Learning facilities and parenting styles influence learning achievement. The study also shows that the more complete learning facilities are owned and supported by parenting that is applied properly can improve student achievement. Learning motivation has an effect on learning achievement, which means that the higher the student's motivation, the higher the student's learning achievement. Learning facilities and parenting styles affect learning achievement through learning motivation.


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How to Cite

Deni Fitri Indah Wahyuningtyas, Syaiful Arifin, & Rudy Wahyono. (2022). The Influence of Learning Facilities and Parenting Patterns on Learning Achievement Through Learning Motivation: Study on State Vocational High School Students as West Korwil Pasuruan District of Indonesia. International Journal of Scientific and Academic Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 2(7), 1–10.



Section 3: Academic Research