A Study of the Effect of Financial Access on the Development of Dairy Cooperatives in Kiambu County of Kenya


  • Mugwe Peter Githinji Strathmore University, Kenya
  • David Nzioka Mutisya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture &Technology, Kenya




Cooperatives societies,, Financial Access, Dairy Cooperatives, Standard deviation


Cooperatives societies are part and parcel of an increasing number of people in formal and informal employment the world over. The study sought to evaluate the effect of financial access on the development of cooperatives. Grounded on the Social Capital and Resource-Based Theory, this study adopted the descriptive research design. In this study, the target population was 59,635 registered Dairy Cooperative members while the sample size was 398 respondents who were picked via stratified random sampling. Data collection involved questionnaires that contained 5-point scale Likert-type statements. Descriptive and inferential statistics were carried out. In this case, tests such as central tendency (mean), frequencies, percentages, and standard deviation in addition to Pearson and regression analysis were utilized. The findings show that the factors under investigation have significant influences on the development of dairy cooperatives. This is evidenced by a positive and statistically significant relationship between access to finance and the development of dairy cooperatives. These findings lead to the conclusion that access to finance also affected the level to which cooperatives funded their development activities. Affordable financing and increased member subscriptions affected the success of Cooperatives projects.


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How to Cite

Mugwe Peter Githinji, & David Nzioka Mutisya. (2022). A Study of the Effect of Financial Access on the Development of Dairy Cooperatives in Kiambu County of Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 2(5), 32–42. https://doi.org/10.54756/IJSAR.2022.V2.i5.3



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