Duty Related Stress and Work Productivity Among University Lecturers in Cross River State, Nigeria


  • Bassey Akaase Blossom N Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH), Calabar , Nigeria
  • Otu Bernard Diwa University of Calabar, Calabar Nigeria


Duty related stress, Work productivity, University lecturers


The main thrust of this study was to determine how duty-related stress influences work productivity among University lecturers in Cross River State. To achieve the purpose of this study, one hypothesis was formulated. The ex-post facto research design was adopted in selecting a sample of nine hundred and fifty-two teachers who were randomly selected for the study. The selection was done through the simple random sampling technique. A well-validated questionnaire with a split-half reliability estimate of 0.84 was the major source for data collection. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was adopted to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that duty content and workload significantly relate to work productivity among University lecturers.


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How to Cite

Bassey Akaase Blossom N, & Otu Bernard Diwa. (2021). Duty Related Stress and Work Productivity Among University Lecturers in Cross River State, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 1(4), 13–19. Retrieved from https://ijsar.net/index.php/ijsar/article/view/40


