The Influence of Personality and Entrepreneurial Motivation on Entrepreneurial Performance through Entrepreneurial Spirit

Case Study of Public / Private High School Teachers in Lumajang Regency


  • Ariek Pujiana Gajayana University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Sugeng Mulyono Gajayana University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Djuni Farhan Gajayana University of Malang, Indonesia


Personality, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Entrepreneurial Performance


Teachers who have an entrepreneurial personality will be able to be independent, can face life's difficulties, and can manage job opportunities for themselves and others because with a mature personality to face all problems is a good attitude for an entrepreneur. The motivation for someone to do entrepreneurial activities comes from the desire to make a profit, to have good freedom from rules, organizational culture, entrepreneurial performance is also influenced by personal dreams and a sense of independence. The entrepreneurial spirit is the life in entrepreneurship which is basically an entrepreneurial attitude and behavior shown through the nature, character, and disposition of a person who has a willingness to manifest innovative ideas into the real world creatively. Performance is a very determining thing in every business, performance needs to be nurtured and developed in an entrepreneur. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the influence of personality on the entrepreneurial spirit, test and analyze the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on the entrepreneurial spirit, test and analyze the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance, test and analyze the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance, test and analyze the influence of entrepreneurial spirit on Entrepreneurial performance, testing and analyzing the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance through entrepreneurial spirit, testing and analyzing the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance through entrepreneurial spirit. This research uses the explanatory research method. The sample used was 243 respondents. The statistical analysis used is the path analysis approach. The results showed that personality has an effect on the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on the entrepreneurial spirit. Personality affects entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit has a significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit mediates the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit is able to mediate the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on the entrepreneurial spirit. Personality affects entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit has a significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit mediates the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit is able to mediate the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on the entrepreneurial spirit. Personality affects entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit has a significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit mediates the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit is able to mediate the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit mediates the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit is able to mediate the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit mediates the influence of personality on entrepreneurial performance. The entrepreneurial spirit is able to mediate the influence of entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial performance.


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How to Cite

Ariek Pujiana, Sugeng Mulyono, & Djuni Farhan. (2021). The Influence of Personality and Entrepreneurial Motivation on Entrepreneurial Performance through Entrepreneurial Spirit: Case Study of Public / Private High School Teachers in Lumajang Regency. International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 1(5), 1–12. Retrieved from


