Child-Friendly District Based on Local Potential

Study Implementation of Regent Regulation No. 12 of 2014 on Child-Friendly District Policies in East Kutai District


  • Muliati Lasidah University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Tauchid Noor University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Zainur Rozikin University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia


District, Eligible,, Children, Potential,, Local, mplementation


Through Regent Regulation No. 12 of 2014 concerning Child-Friendly District Policies, the East Kutai District Government together with all components of society, the business world, and the local press have committed to realizing East Kutai District as a "Child-Friendly District". However, in its implementation, it still faces problems, including cases of child violence, child marriage, child labor, and the negative impact of advances in information technology that makes children vulnerable to exposure to inappropriate information. Based on these problems, this study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of Child-Friendly District policies in the East Kutai Regency, and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of these policies. Through a qualitative approach, this research concludes: First, the implementation of Child Friendly District policies based on local potential in East Kutai Regency seen from the aspects of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure can be said to be "successful" but "not optimal". Second, the internal factors that support the implementation of the KLA policy are: the existence of clarity in the goals, objectives, and stages of implementation; clear policy/program technical guidelines; a strong legal basis; implementing authority in accordance with the main objectives and functions; the existence of program innovation by the implementer; proper placement of implementers; and effective and efficient division of duties and responsibilities for implementers. The external factors that support the implementation of the KLA policy are the active participation of the community, a sizeable contribution from the business world, the involvement of the local press, and utilization of local potential in policy/program development. Third, the internal factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: the process of delivering information about policies/programs is still limited, the presence of implementers is not sufficient, the existence of infrastructure and facilities is not sufficient, the commitment of the implementers is still weak, and the absence of incentives for implementers, and the existence of SOPs have not been fully used as a reference in policy implementation. Meanwhile, the external factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: there are people who still do not understand the KLA policy/program, the role of the business world is still weak, and the press still does not understand KLA policy/program. Internal factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: the process of delivering information about policies/programs is still limited, the presence of implementers is not sufficient, the existence of infrastructure and facilities is not adequate, the commitment of the implementers is still weak, and there is no incentive for the implementers, and the existence of SOPs have not been fully used as a reference in policy implementation. Meanwhile, the external factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: there are people who still do not understand the KLA policy/program, the role of the business world is still weak, and the press still does not understand the KLA policy/program. Internal factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: the process of delivering information about policies/programs is still limited, the presence of implementers is not sufficient, the existence of infrastructure and facilities is not adequate, the commitment of the implementers is still weak, and there is no incentive for the implementers, and the existence of SOPs have not been fully used as a reference in policy implementation. Meanwhile, the external factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: there are people who still do not understand the KLA policy/program, the role of the business world is still weak, and the press still does not understand the KLA policy/program. the existence of infrastructure and facilities is not adequate, the commitment of the implementers is still weak, and there is no incentive to implementers, and the existence of SOPs has not been fully used as a reference in policy implementation. Meanwhile, the external factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: there are people who still do not understand the KLA policy/program, the role of the business world is still weak, and the press still does not understand KLA policy/program. the existence of infrastructure and facilities is not adequate, the commitment of the implementers is still weak, and there is no incentive for the implementers, and the existence of SOPs has not been fully used as a reference in policy implementation. Meanwhile, the external factors that hinder the implementation of the KLA policy are: there are people who still do not understand the KLA policy/program, the role of the business world is still weak, and the press still does not understand KLA policy/program.


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How to Cite

Muliati Lasidah, Tauchid Noor, & Zainur Rozikin. (2021). Child-Friendly District Based on Local Potential: Study Implementation of Regent Regulation No. 12 of 2014 on Child-Friendly District Policies in East Kutai District. International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 1(7), 13–28. Retrieved from


