Implementation of the G*Gold Way Model in Student Character Education

Study of Actualization of Social Reality in Character Education of Students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 11 Kademangan – Blitar


  • Ida Zubaidah University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia
  • I Made Weni University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Kridawati Sadhana University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia


G*GOLD Way Model, Character Education, Students


This research is to describing and analyzing the G*GOLD Way Model by describing and analyzing obstacles and supporting factors of the implementation of (in student character building). The analysis used the social theory as the main theory and symbolic as well as conflict theories as to the supporting theories. This research was qualitative research using a social reality approach. Such approach was looking for data of reality event occurred in student’s educational life at schools. This research was conducted in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 11 Blitar located on Jalan Raya Trisula Kademangan-Blitar. The researcher was the main instrument. There were 7 (seven) informants used to interpret and to make the value of the G*GOLD Way MODEL Implementation, through analysis, synthesis, and conclusion of appearing social reality. Supporting instruments used by the researcher were facilities and tools which enabled the researcher to draw complete and valid conclusions or verification of the social reality which was being researched. The data collection of this research used observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used procedures developed by Moleong, which were; (1) unit processing, (2) categorizing, and (3) data interpretation. The results of this research have met the specific standard which was suitable with the characteristic of qualitative research, which were credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Results of this research showed that the implementation of the G*GOLD Way model in students character education was presented in learning implementation management, communicative process, students response, learning activities, learning outcomes, and obstacles as well as supporting factors with an estimation of the existing inconsistency of model implementation, conflict and motivation, denial from certain groups, and a lack of social and education system relationship. Based on the results of this analysis, This research and learning innovation of Classroom Learning Society which at habituating students good behavior and increasing student achievement.


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How to Cite

Ida Zubaidah, I Made Weni, & Kridawati Sadhana. (2021). Implementation of the G*Gold Way Model in Student Character Education: Study of Actualization of Social Reality in Character Education of Students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 11 Kademangan – Blitar. International Journal of Scientific and Academic Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 1(7), 1–12. Retrieved from


