The Role of Village Facilitators in Community Empowerment

Study on the Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages in Waghete 1 Village, Tigi District, Deiyai Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia


  • Ferdinand Pakage, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Bambang Satriya University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia


Role of Village Facilitators, Community Empowerment


The existence of a rule or policy made by the government is an effort to build and achieve prosperity. To achieve this prosperity, the policy must be carried out properly. For this reason, the government enacted Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. For community development and empowerment. Then set forth in the Village Ministry Regulation No.3 of 2015 concerning the existence of Village Assistants to assist village officials in building a more advanced and independent village community. Village assistants are tasked with overseeing development from the planning, implementation and supervision stages. creating a participatory development process and empowering the community. Currently, community empowerment carried out by Village Facilitators has been running for 5 years. Based on this background, with 5 informants, namely the Deiyai ​​Regency Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMK), District / Subdistrict Assistants, Village / Village Facilitators. The data collection techniques used are 1). In-depth interviews, 2). Documentation, 3). Observations. The research focus in this study is the implementation of government policies in community empowerment through the role of Village Facilitators.


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How to Cite

Ferdinand Pakage, & Bambang Satriya. (2021). The Role of Village Facilitators in Community Empowerment: Study on the Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages in Waghete 1 Village, Tigi District, Deiyai Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 1(8), 32–41. Retrieved from


