Identify Waste to Achieve Production Targets Using Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT) Method


  • Novera Elisa Triana Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University
  • Sakti Aji Lesmana Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
  • Alif Gita Arumsari Chemical Engineering, Al Kamal Institute of Science And Technology, Indonesia



Waste Identification, Production Target, , Value Stream Maping Analysis Tools


An electronics company located in Bekasi, West Java, produces electronic components; one of its products is terminals. Based on data from the brazing department, the production target was not achieved because there was a difference or mismatch between the production target and daily production results, so it was necessary to improve the production line by identifying waste during the production process. The production target per shift is 2040 pcs, while the actual production output is 1927 pcs. An effective and efficient way to identify waste and its causes must be developed using Value Stream Mapping Analysis Tools (VALSAT). This research aims to find the causes of not achieving production targets and identify waste in the production process so that the production process is more efficient and effective using a brazing machine. By using VALSAT, it is hoped that it can describe problems and provide solutions. Value Stream Analysis Tools (VALSAT) is a tool that is used to map value streams in detail and focus on processes that have added value. VALSAT helps facilitate and understand existing value stream mapping and helps facilitate the resolution of identified waste. Detailed mapping from VALSAT can also be used to find the root causes of waste that frequently arise and occur so that the causes of not achieving production targets can be eliminated.


How to Cite

Novera Elisa Triana, Sakti Aji Lesmana, & Alif Gita Arumsari. (2024). Identify Waste to Achieve Production Targets Using Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT) Method. International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 4(7), 1–7.


