Analysis of Work Positions in Microbiological Sample Testing in Food Industry Laboratories using the Rapid Whole Body Assessment (REBA) Method and Nordic Body Maps (NBM)


  • Novera Elisa Triana Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
  • Sakti Aji Lesmana Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia



Employee Complaints, Nordic Body Maps, Rapid Entire Body Assessment, Sample Testing


In a food industry laboratory, some activities are at risk of causing MSDs (Muscullos Skeletal Disorder). Based on the results of general interviews addressed to 10 microbiology laboratory assistants, the results obtained by workers experiencing complaints of pain in the upper neck, lower neck, shoulders, back, right upper arm, waist, buttocks, elbows, wrists, and calves. Based on the number of complaints due to work disturbances, it is necessary to identify a more in-depth assessment of work factors and risk levels using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method. The results of this study based on the Nordic Body Maps questionnaire aimed at 10 microbiology laboratory assistants in the food industry laboratory, the highest value is complaints of pain in the waist, this is related to work position no. 7, namely the position of placing the Erlenmeyer that has been tested into a basket located on the floor. Then the assessment of work positions in group A = 7 and group B = 2 so that the results of the group C table assessment = 9 + 1 (load value) = 10 (including the risk level category 3 / high), so further investigation is needed.


How to Cite

Novera Elisa Triana, & Sakti Aji Lesmana. (2024). Analysis of Work Positions in Microbiological Sample Testing in Food Industry Laboratories using the Rapid Whole Body Assessment (REBA) Method and Nordic Body Maps (NBM). International Journal of Scientific and Applied Research (IJSAR), EISSN: 2583-0279, 4(6), 1–7.


